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O novo álbum dos Beautify Junkyards terá edição internacional

“The Beast shouted Love”, o novo álbum da banda lisboeta que editado pela NOS Discos em maio deste ano, está a colher frutos além fronteiras. A banda assinou pelo selo inglês Mega Dodo (especializado em psych folk/electrónica) e vê agora o seu álbum lançado em vinil e cd para toda a Europa e Estados Unidos. O interesse que os Beautify Junkyards têm despertado fora de portas já vem desde a edição de um single pela editora de “culto” Fruits de Mer e posteriormente com a distribuição do álbum de estreia pelos holandeses da Clear Spot.

“The Beast shouted Love” está a ser recebido de forma muito positiva pela imprensa especializada, desde revistas de referência como as inglesas Shindig e Rock´n´Reel passando por diversos sites de música, tanto europeus como americanos.

As músicas que compõem este novo álbum de originais, também têm ecoado pelas ondas hertzianas, um pouco por toda a parte, com destaque para a BBC6 (Gideon Coe) e alguns importantes programas de autor da rádio inglesa (Curve Ball, Graham Lovatt, Pull the Plug…), francesa (Rockomondo) e americana (Kexp, Active Listener, Aural Inovattions, Sunrise Ocean Bender, …).

Rock´n´Reel (R2) Magazine UK ****
“…an exquisite helping of prime “British” (even on the tracks with portuguese lyrics) acid-folk. Melancholy, haunting, fragile…Delicately picked guitars and subtle percussion slip and spin through a lava-lamp of organ and dreamy electronica, while the male/female vocal interplay weaves a tapestry of wistful romanticism…Magical”

Shindig Magazine UK ****
“…gentle, serene, lightly psychedelic…with slight departures into Tropicalia-influenced exoticism”

“…Over the course of a dozen or so exquisitely organic and disarmingly gorgeous self-penned numbers they invoke nature in all her glory and I defy anyone not to listen to this without chilling out complete wearing the soppiest grin they can muster…Possibly the find of the year, so far.”

Active Listener
“…the next time someone tries to tell you that psychedelia is played out and stuck in a repetitive holding pattern, play them this, and watch them squirm…one of the most original albums of the year, and certainly one of the best.”

“…Across the album there are shades of psych-folk, sunshine pop, vintage electronica, and bands like Broadcast and Pram, but on the whole Beautify Junkyards can’t really be compared to other bands or even specific genres, as their sound is uniquely theirs. I wholeheartedly recommend this album! “

Goldmine US
“..Timeless, transcendent, toy-like in places…Neither locked into a single musical area… it channels Broadcast (“Rainbow Garland”) as exquisitely as it revisits more historic notions …”

Exposé on-line
“…they are gaining an audience. The Beast Shouted Love is a cornucopia of ethereal psych-folk/acid folk songs…i could listen to this disc forever. Highly recommended.”

Aural Inovations
“…the music and vocals are enchanting, mesmerizing, and captivatingly beautiful, yet full of adventure as the band explore a range of cosmic sounds and stylistic elements. I can easily see this album appealing to a diverse audience – folk-psych, wyrd-folk, prog, space rock, krautrock and more. Highest recommendation”

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