Imprensa internacional aos pés de Ana Moura - MIP Música Imprensa internacional aos pés de Ana Moura - MIP Música
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Imprensa internacional aos pés de Ana Moura

Editado internacionalmente em Janeiro deste ano, “Desfado”, o mais recente álbum de Ana Moura, tem sido elogiado um pouco por todo o Mundo. Por sua vez, Ana Moura vem conquistando público numa digressão mundial que já vai longa e não tem fim à vista. A propósito da sua recente passagem por Londres, a SIC, esta semana, dedicou-lhe honras de abertura do Jornal da Noite emitindo uma reportagem com cerca de 15 min em prime-time que podem rever aqui. O Barbican encheu para a ver e o Times classificou a sua atuação com 4****, critica que podem conferir AQUI.
Como esta, Ana Moura apareceu ao longo dos últimos meses citada na mais importante imprensa internacional, caso do El País, Le Monde, Le Figaro, New York Times, entre muitos numa lista extensa que pode ser vista nos links em baixo.

The Evening Standard: “Ana Moura is cutting her own distinctive path with interesting collaborations (Prince, The Rolling Stones)”

Songlines: “No longer afraid of what her peers might think of her chosen path, Ana Moura shamelessly flirts with pop music, sings Joni Mitchell’s ‘A Case of You’ and shows one of the possible ways for fado to develop. A turning point in her career.”

The Mail on Sunday:  “Ana Moura is one of the world’s leading performers of fado.”

The Sunday Times: “Moura’s latest is an ingenious collaboration with the in-demand producer Larry Klein. It all works supremely well.”

The Times: “Numbers from Moura’s new album, Desfado (easily one of the outstanding releases of the past 12 months) were studded throughout this taut, compelling performance.

El País: “… una determinacíon y una claridad de intenciones a la hora de encararse al micrófono que contrasta con la delicadeza y la timidez del trato en persona. Ana Moura es bella y humilde, pero nada distante.”

ABC:  “… estupendo trabajo y en el que, aunque hay algunos fados, comparte su dulzura melancólica con elegantes sonidos americanos como el rhythm & blues…”

La Vanguardia: “Ana Moura es una de las cantantes más brillantes de la actual canción portuguesa…” “… acaba de sacar a la luz un espléndido disco de canciones.”

Vanity Fair: “Ana Moura ha añadido un toque cool a la música tradicional portuguesa”.

Le Monde: “…un trés bel album…”

Ouest France: “En faisant appel à des auteurs de sa generation, etrangers à son univers, elle réussit un beau disque de fado d’aujourd’hui.”

Mondomix: “Repositionnement habile et plutôt reussi, pour l’une des heritiéres les plus internationals d’Amália Rodrigues.”

Marianne: “… elle fait prevue d’une grande originalité, notamment dans l’orchestration de Desfado, son dernier album.”

Le Figaro: “En quelques années, la jeune Ana Moura a su s’imposer avec toute sa singularité sur une scéne assez conservatrice. Ana Moura poursuit un joli chemin qui, c’est toute sa force, n’appartient qu’à elle”.

Chicago Sun Times: “Portuguese singer Ana Moura has been a primary force in the revitalization of fado, becoming a global star by staying true to style’s fundamentals: sorrowful intensity and lean instrumentation…” “Moura is today’s fastest-rising fadista …” 

San Francisco Chronicle: “With her fifth studio album, “Desfado,” the 31-year-old Portuguese singer who is leading the popular resurgence of traditional fado music is on the brink of a crossover.“ 

New York Times: “Ms. Moura is a distinctly worldly superstar: stylish, expressive, determinedly open-minded.” “Moura is a renovator …” 

New York Daily News: “Ana Moura is the most celebrated young performer of fado …”
“… a singer of rare passion.” 

The Boston Globe: “She embodies, at a high level, modern fado’s duality …” “… a very graceful album.” 

The Star Tribune: “Her 95-minute performance at the packed downtown club was, in a word, captivating. Prince was in the audience and sent several floral arrangements that adorned Ana Moura’s stage.” 

The Star Tribune (3 Março): “Duality creates a profound undertow in fado, and Moura, one of its brightest younger stars, knows how to use it to her best advantage.”

Chicago Reader ‘B-Sides’

City Pages: “Fado, the ancient, bittersweet Portuguese folk music, has been enjoying a resurgence of popularity recently, and Ana Moura is one of its key contemporary artists. The combination of her rich, dusky voice and ability to convey complex emotions with an extensive palette of vocal feints, sighs, and elegant filigrees is perfect for expressing saudade, the ambivalent, longing spirit at the heart of fado.” 

Standard Time: Moura proved dexterous and likable whether doing fado, traditional music of the north or veering into new sounds. In Moura’s wonderful voice, the changes resonated. 

Vallejo Times Herald: “If Ana Moura visited Alcatraz in the 1930s and ’40s — instead of Friday afternoon — chances are the 14 failed escapes from the notorious San Francisco Bay prison would never have happened. The inmates would have been too mesmerized by the heartfelt singer’s lyrics and considerable beauty.” 

Jazz Weekly: “You don’t have to know what she’s saying, you can FEEL it as she sings around bouyant, bouncy and festive strums and sensuous string picking.” 

The Thread (Duke University): “Fado Phenomenon Ana Moura. The superlative singer Ana Moura is the pacesetter, having risen through the fado houses of Portugal to international tours and collaborations.” 

New York Latin Culture: “There is no other voice in Fado quite like Ana Moura. A voice that strolls freely through tradition but flirts elegantly with pop music, broadening the spectrum of Fado, so typical of Lisbon, in a very personal way.  It’s an immediate spark, an emotional explosion aimed ruthlessly to the listener’s heart.” 

Cleveland Plain Dealer: Beautiful sadness of fado makes sense in Moura’s voice.

San Luis Obispo County Telegram Times: “…Moura is a distinctly worldly superstar: stylish, expressive, determinedly open-minded.”

Downbeat: “She has the same type of pure-toned voice that made Amália Rodrigues the music’s queen coupled with a breathy delivery all her own.” 


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